Service Delivery Review

Project Background

  • The County of Elgin received a grant through the Province’s Municipal Modernization Program to find key efficiencies that will streamline the way services are delivered to members of the community.
  • Elgin County has concluded its service delivery review, which was a review of the County’s shared municipal services with its local municipal partners, the County’s internal operations, and social and community services.
  • Over the last eight months, staff across the organization have been working with the County’s consultant, StrategyCorp, and through one-one-one interviews and workshops, identified over 110 different improvement initiatives. 12 of the identified initiatives are considered “high-impact” and represent a significant opportunity for the County and its partners.

Project Focus

Reviewing, improving and potentially expanding shared municipal services and resources with the County’s seven (7) Local Municipal Partners and the City of St. Thomas.

Reviewing and improving the County’s human and community services with a focus on long-term care.

Examining and improving the County’s internal operations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, all of these initiatives would support the improved delivery of services to all residents.

Along with Council’s strategic priority of Serving Elgin, each initiative supports one or more of Council’s strategic priorities.

The County will be taking into consideration the findings of this report as we continue the 2021 budget process.

The County used $125,000 from a grant received through the province’s Municipal Modernization Fund to fund this review. The total price of the contract was $189,985.

The County is committed to continuous improvement, and we are always looking at ways to more efficiently deliver services to residents. The grant provided by the Province helped the County develop these continuous improvement ideas into actionable opportunities, reflecting significant savings for taxpayers.

Notice of Canada Day Office Closure
Victoria Day Closure 2024
Easter Holiday Closure Notice
Family Day Closure Notice
Graphic to indicate holiday closures at Elgin County Facilities. The Elgin County Administration Building, Provincial Offences Administration Building, and Elgin County Heritage Centre will be closed on Friday, December 23rd at noon. Regular business hours will resume on Tuesday, January 2nd, 2024.