
The Purchasing Services of the Finance Department is responsible for coordinating the acquisition of goods and services for the County of Elgin. The guiding principle is that procurement decisions will be made by obtaining the best value of services and products that best meets the needs of the County by using a competitive process that is open, honest, fair and transparent.

Current Bid Opportunities

County of Elgin Request for Tenders (RFT), Request for Proposals (RFP) and other procurement opportunities are available online and can be previewed free of charge by clicking the link below.

A bids&tenders™ subscription is required to download bid documents and receive notifications of new bid opportunities.  A one-time pay per bid option is also available.

For more information on bids&tenders™, email Purchasing using the contact form below or call 519-631-1460 ext. 129. You can also visit bids&tenders™ to learn about the benefits of the new procurement platform for you.

Bid Results

To access bid results, click the link below and select the “Closed” or “Awarded” tab on the right side of the page.

Additional Information

The Procurement Policy promotes and maintains the integrity of the purchasing process and protects Council, vendors and staff involved in the process by providing clear direction and accountabilities. Price, quality, performance, services offered, delivery and so on are evaluated when awarding bids. Click here to download Procurement Policy

The County of Elgin has established a practical and fair guideline for disposal of County owned furniture and equipment. Surplus items are advertised on a Government Surplus Online Auction site where everyone has an equal opportunity to bid on the items while at the same time the County receives a fair market value where possible. Take a peek by visiting the Government Surplus Online Auction

The County of Elgin is a member of the Elgin Middlesex Oxford Purchasing Cooperative (EMOP) which includes over 40 public agency members from Elgin/St.Thomas/London/Middlesex and Oxford. EMOP’s objective is to seek and provide the best value for the taxpayer’s dollar in the most cost effective way by jointly inviting tenders, sharing information and avoiding possible duplication of effort. More information is available on the Cooperative’s website

The County of Elgin is also a member of the Ontario Public Buyers Association, (OPBA). OPBA is a not-for-profit volunteer organization representing purchasing professionals who spend public funds. The County of Elgin consistently strives to adhere to the OPBA’s Statement of Ethics for Public Purchasers. These guiding principals include the following: a) open and honest dealings with Everyone who is involved in the purchasing process; b) fair and impartial award recommendations for all contacts and tenders; c) an irreproachable standard of personal integrity on the part of all those designated as purchasing agents for this agency; d) cooperation with other public agencies in order to obtain the best possible value for every tax dollar; e) continuous development of purchasing skills and knowledge. For more information please visit The Ontario Public Buyers Association website.

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Notice of Canada Day Office Closure
Victoria Day Closure 2024
Easter Holiday Closure Notice
Family Day Closure Notice
Graphic to indicate holiday closures at Elgin County Facilities. The Elgin County Administration Building, Provincial Offences Administration Building, and Elgin County Heritage Centre will be closed on Friday, December 23rd at noon. Regular business hours will resume on Tuesday, January 2nd, 2024.