Elgin County Council Highlights -
November 28, 2023

Empowering Elgin County Against Elder Abuse: A Visionary Roadmap
Bonnie Rowe, a volunteer with Elder Abuse Elgin (EAE), presented an engagement strategy called “Future Us: A Roadmap to Elder Abuse Prevention” to the Elgin County Council.

EAE is a non-profit organization committed to addressing the issue of elder abuse in Elgin County through education, advocacy, and liaison with community resources. Their vision is to make Elgin County a place where seniors have a strong voice, feel safe, and respected. This group meets quarterly to work with existing services to ensure that older adults can live free from any form of abuse.

During the presentation, Bonnie provided the Council with some methods on how Municipalities can help Elder Abuse Elgin.

She also expressed her gratitude to the Council for their support in hosting a flag-raising ceremony earlier in the year. She encouraged them to make elder abuse prevention a priority in the City and County.

Pedaling Through Success: Elgin County Museum’s Annual Report Chronicles a Vibrant Year
Mike Baker, Museum Curator, provided Council with an Annual Report about the Elgin County Museum on behalf of the Elgin County Museum Advisory Committee.

The Elgin County Museum had a busy year with various exhibits, programs, and events. Anna Lise, a summer student funded by the Government of Canada, was hired to work on cataloging and preparing archival material. A museum research assistant was also hired for a short-term contract in the fall to complete a collections review.

The highlight of the year was the “Cycling: An Unspoken History” exhibition, featuring 16 bicycles from the 1870s to the 1910s. The exhibit received considerable media attention, including a feature review in the Globe and Mail and an interview with Rick Wolfe on CBC’s Fresh Air. The museum also hosted off-site exhibitions and monthly programs at the Southwold Township Library and collaborated with various community groups.

The museum saw an increase in attendance, reaching near pre-pandemic levels, with just under 3000 visitors. The popular cycling exhibit, a record number of school visits, and various museum programs contributed to this success. The museum actively engaged with the community through facility bookings and events like the Ride The Whistlestop! Bike Event and social media outreach. Financially, the gift shop saw increased net income, and admission donations for 2023 exceeded those of the previous year.

Looking ahead to 2024, the museum plans to mount a semi-permanent exhibition, focus on re-shelving the collection, and continue updating database entries.


Elgin County Unveils Unified Vision for Library Access with New Membership and Circulation Policy
Elgin County Council adopted the Elgin County Library Membership and Circulation Policy at its November 28, 2023, meeting. This new policy combines two existing ones related to patron registration and interlibrary loans, formalizes current library circulation services, and emphasizes the importance of supporting literacy, lifelong learning, and intellectual freedom.

The proposed policy outlines criteria for creating a library card, responsible library use parameters, and a commitment to ongoing evaluation. It reflects best practices from other public library systems in Ontario, ensuring accessibility, inclusivity, and adherence to industry standards and community needs.


Emerging Horizons: West Lorne’s New Cul-de-Sac Receives Green Light
The Municipality of West Elgin has submitted a Plan of Subdivision to the County of Elgin for a new neighbourhood in West Lorne. The plan proposes ten (10) houses along a new cul-de-sac and has been approved by the Council of the Municipality of West Elgin after going through various studies and meetings.

County staff have reviewed the plan under different laws and regulations and determined that it complies with all the relevant rules. The County Council has approved the Plan of Subdivision with certain conditions from organizations such as Bell Canada and Canada Post.


Unity in Diversity: Elgin County’s Visionary Blueprint for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
The Joint Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Plan was presented to Elgin County Council for their review and approval. This Plan was developed collaboratively between the County of Elgin and its Local Municipal Partners (LMPS). It covers the period from 2024 to 2026 and aligns with best practices observed in other Ontario municipalities. While there’s no specific legislative requirement for DEI Plans, the Joint DEI Plan considers obligations under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) and the Ontario Human Rights Code.

The comprehensive plan addresses critical areas, including decolonization and reconciliation, legislative authority, plan coordination, implementation, evaluation, reporting and outcomes, and an overview of diversity, equity, and inclusion. The document delves into the importance of DEI, relevant statistics at the national and provincial levels, the demographic profile of Elgin County, and its application in the workplace, emphasizing the benefits of a diverse and inclusive environment.

Elgin County Council approved this plan which outlines challenges and directives, details DEI training initiatives, and presents progress and goals for 2024-2026 across various County and LMP’s departments.


2024 Elgin County Council Meeting Schedule

Elgin County Council approved the following Council Meeting Schedule for 2024.

  • January 9th & 30th
  • February 13th & 27th
  • March 12th & 26th
  • April 9th & 30th
  • May 14th & 28th
  • June 11th & 25th
  • July 9th & 23rd
  • August 13th & 27th
  • September 10th & 24th
  • October 8th & 22nd
  • November 12th & 26th
  • December 10th* & 12t

* Please note that all meetings will be held at 9:00 a.m. except for the Annual Warden’s Election on Tuesday, December 10th at 7:00 p.m.


For the complete November 28, 2023, County Council Agenda Package, please visit the Elgin County website.




Notice of Canada Day Office Closure
Victoria Day Closure 2024
Easter Holiday Closure Notice
Family Day Closure Notice
Graphic to indicate holiday closures at Elgin County Facilities. The Elgin County Administration Building, Provincial Offences Administration Building, and Elgin County Heritage Centre will be closed on Friday, December 23rd at noon. Regular business hours will resume on Tuesday, January 2nd, 2024.