The Aerodrome of Democracy - The British Commonwealth Air Training Plan

The skies over Elgin County were filled with aircraft during WWII. Schools for bombing and gunnery, basic flying and mechanics were in operation here throughout most of the war. This exhibit marks the 80th anniversary of the plan that built bases in Fingal, Aylmer and south of St. Thomas. See aircraft models, images, uniforms and equipment.

May 14 to August 31, 2019

Notice of Canada Day Office Closure
Victoria Day Closure 2024
Easter Holiday Closure Notice
Family Day Closure Notice
Graphic to indicate holiday closures at Elgin County Facilities. The Elgin County Administration Building, Provincial Offences Administration Building, and Elgin County Heritage Centre will be closed on Friday, December 23rd at noon. Regular business hours will resume on Tuesday, January 2nd, 2024.