Council Highlights - June 11, 2024

Approval for Updated Collections Policy: Elgin County Museum Embraces Modern Practices and Inclusivity

In a move to modernize and enhance its operations, Elgin County Council has approved significant updates to the Elgin County Museum’s Collections Management Policy, a framework that had not seen revision since 2006. The policy update was recommended by Elgin County’s Curator to better align with contemporary museum standards and practices.

The Collections Management Policy guides the Museum’s collection activities, including acquisition criteria and artifact management. It also establishes the foundation for the transparent de-accessioning process, necessary for managing the Museum’s future growth and changing priorities. Key revisions include the affirmation of the Museum’s commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion and Indigenous rights, clarification on artifact ownership, updated processes for temporary receipts and deeds of gift, and stringent guidelines for artifact loans. The revised policy also incorporates practical considerations for artifact storage and conservation costs. This updated policy was endorsed by the Elgin County Museum Advisory Committee and reflects best practices from other museums.

Accelerating Safety: Elgin County’s Innovative Approach to Plank Road Traffic Management

Elgin County Council has approved measures to enhance traffic safety along Plank Road following recommendations from the Director of Engineering Services. Council approved the installation of additional roadway speed signage, roadway speed markings, and edge line painting on Plank Road. These measures aim to address speeding concerns along Plank Road within the Village of Vienna, from Edison Street to Oak Street.

Notably, the roadway speed markings are considered a pilot trial and staff will report to Council on their effectiveness. As part of this pilot trial, “MAX 50km/h” roadway lane markings near Edison Street and Oak Street will be installed to manage speed effectively. These interventions, along with the implementation of white parking zone edge lines and additional speed zone signs, are anticipated to enhance traffic safety along Plank Road. County staff will collaborate with the Municipality of Bayham to swiftly implement these measures and monitor their effectiveness, demonstrating Elgin County’s commitment to proactive traffic management and community safety.

Streamlining Standards: Elgin County Revises Flag and Proclamation Policy

Elgin County Council has moved forward with refining the County’s flag and proclamation procedures, following recommendations presented in a report from the Manager of Administrative Services/Deputy Clerk. The existing Community Flag Raising and Flag Protocol Policy will be replaced with a more comprehensive Municipal Flag Protocol and Proclamation Policy.

Key improvements involve the introduction of standardized application forms for flag raisings, proclamations, and lighting requests, streamlining the process for organizations and groups. The revised policy also clearly defines approval authority, designating the Warden for half-masting approvals and Council for flag raising requests. Council’s approval of the revised policy ensures that flag protocol and proclamation procedures align with current practices and community needs.

Elgin County Administration Building lit up in purple for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.

For the complete June 11, 2024 Agenda Package, please visit the following link: County Council Agenda Package

Notice of Canada Day Office Closure
Victoria Day Closure 2024
Easter Holiday Closure Notice
Family Day Closure Notice
Graphic to indicate holiday closures at Elgin County Facilities. The Elgin County Administration Building, Provincial Offences Administration Building, and Elgin County Heritage Centre will be closed on Friday, December 23rd at noon. Regular business hours will resume on Tuesday, January 2nd, 2024.