County Council Highlights - March 26, 2024

Charting a Course for Community Well-being: Southwestern Public Health’s 2024 Budget

Southwestern Public Health (SWPH) presented their 2024 budget to Elgin County Council, painting a picture of commitment and foresight in the pursuit of community well-being. Through evidence-based planning, their budget aims to navigate the landscape of public health priorities, opportunities, and challenges in the upcoming fiscal year. Recognizing the enduring impact of their actions, the focus extends beyond mere financial figures, encompassing initiatives such as strengthening public health infrastructure, re-scoping Ontario’s Public Health Standards, and prioritizing emergency readiness to tackle unforeseen challenges with resilience.

Integral to their vision is the acknowledgment of the multifaceted nature of public health realities, reflected in the allocation of resources towards short-term, mid-term, and long-term objectives. Despite funding challenges, SWPH remains steadfast in their commitment to deliver mandated programs and services effectively. Through meticulous financial management, including quarterly and annual reporting, asset maintenance, and strategic procurement practices, SWPH ensures the optimal utilization of resources. The 2024 budget embodies a commitment to the communities served, pledging excellence in service delivery today and into the future, championing the health and well-being of individuals, families, and neighborhoods facing diverse barriers.

Commitment to Excellence: Council Approves Committee of Management for Elgin’s Long-Term Care Homes

The Director of Homes and Seniors Services delivered a report to Council requesting that the Council of Elgin County be designated as the Committee of Management for Bobier Villa, Elgin Manor and Terrace Lodge Long-Term Care Homes. The Committee of Management will be tasked with overseeing governance, financial operations, and adherence to regulatory standards outlined in Ontario’s Fixing Long-Term Care Act.

With a focus on compliance and efficiency, the Committee of Management will play a pivotal role in guiding the Long-Term Care Homes towards sustained excellence. By providing oversight of finance, audits, and general operations, the Committee ensures alignment with Ministry regulations and funding requirements. The decision to approve the Committee of Management will not only provide for governance oversight, it will also provide an avenue for sharing the successes that come with the Homes commitment to excellence, innovation, respect, diversity, inclusion, and education.

Fortifying Fiscal Resilience: Council Approves 2024 Borrowing By-Law

The Director of Financial Services/Treasurer presented a report for the enactment of a 2024 Borrowing By-Law. Drawing upon the provisions outlined in Section 407 of the Municipal Act 2001, the Director emphasized the necessity of maintaining a credit facility to ensure business continuity and emergency preparedness.

Highlighting the County’s historical reliance on short-term borrowing to meet current year obligations, the Director emphasized the significance of the Borrowing By-Law in facilitating timely payments to employees, vendors, and partners. Reflecting on past challenges, such as those posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, the Director recounted instances where the County’s prudent financial planning and trusted relationships averted the need for borrowing during times of crisis.

With an eye towards the future, Council approved the 2024 Borrowing By-Law as a proactive measure to safeguard against unforeseen events and ensure the County’s ability to swiftly respond to emergent financial pressures.

Driving Development: Council Approves Road Closure for Untraveled Portion of Union Road

In a strategic move to facilitate development, Council approved a recommendation to close a portion of Union Road, part of the County road network, for transfer to Domus Developments (London) Inc. While seemingly small, approximately 25 square meters, this parcel holds significance for the development project. With meticulous review by the Director of Engineering and legal confirmation of no utilities within the area, the decision to pass the road closing by-law emerged as a practical step, ensuring clarity in property ownership and paving the way for progress in the Township of Southwold.

For the complete March 26, 2024 Agenda Package, please visit the following link: County Council Agenda Package

Notice of Canada Day Office Closure
Victoria Day Closure 2024
Easter Holiday Closure Notice
Family Day Closure Notice
Graphic to indicate holiday closures at Elgin County Facilities. The Elgin County Administration Building, Provincial Offences Administration Building, and Elgin County Heritage Centre will be closed on Friday, December 23rd at noon. Regular business hours will resume on Tuesday, January 2nd, 2024.